Dear Friend,

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” The word saved means: “To save a suffering one from perishing, one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health. To preserve one who is in danger of destruction. Pardon of sin, and the blessed peace of a soul reconciled to God.” Salvation is healing for your spirit, soul (mind, will and emotions) and body.

The grace of God is the means of your salvation. God’s grace is a force which originates from the throne of God, powerful to remove the nature of sin from your spirit. To heal your body of all diseases and redeem your life from all the effects of sin.

The activation of your faith receives God’s grace manifesting within your life. Your faith is a force, able to connect with God’s grace, taking hold of all God’s blessings, making them a reality within your life. The activation of your faith is contingent upon your belief in God’s Word.

The family of Living Faith Fellowship is committed to stand with you in your quest for God’s grace. We understand the excitement and joy of learning how to release our faith — receiving God’s blessings in our lives. As Pastor of Living Faith Fellowship, I am committed to equipping you in God’s Word, learning the principles of faith so that you may activate your faith, receiving God’s blessings in your life.

Love In Christ, Pastor Don Nicholson


I believe the Bible is the mind of Christ and is the inspired, the only infallible, and authoritative Word of God. I believe there is one God manifested in three personalities: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I believe the reality of Satan and his present control over unregenerate man does exist.

I believe in the reality of the following:

  • The deity and virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • His sinless life on earth.

  • His Miracles.

  • His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood.

  • His resurrection from the dead.

  • His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

  • His personal return in power and glory as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

  • The fall of man and his lost estate, which makes necessary a rebirth through confessions and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • The reconciliation of man to God by the substitutionary death and shed blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

  • The resurrection of believers into everlasting life and blessings, Heaven, and the resurrection of unbelievers into everlasting punishment in the torment of Hell.

  • The present supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, who gives spiritual gifts: the word of Wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, various kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues, to believers as He wills. This is since the day of Pentecost and will continue until our Lord’s return. 1 Corinthians 12:7